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Information for New Residents

If you are new, contact a local school or School Board for information about registering your child for the next school year (September to June). Notices about registration for grades 1 to 12 are published in local newspapers in August.

To register your child for Junior or Senior Kindergarten, contact a school board in February of the year (January to December) that your child becomes 4 or 5 years old. (OCDSB: Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)

To register your child for school, you must have:

  1. the child's "proof of age",
  2. health card,
  3. proof of immunization against childhood diseases.

General Information:

  • Junior kindergarten is for children who will be 4 years old by December 31.
  • Senior kindergarten for children who will be 5 years old by December 31.
  • Elementary school, grades 1-8, who will be 6 years old by December 31.
  • Middle school is grades 6-8.
  • Secondary school is grades 9-12.

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